Elliptic Curve Cryptography

The OpenVM Elliptic Curve Cryptography Extension provides support for elliptic curve operations through the openvm-ecc-guest crate.

Available traits and methods

  • Group trait: This represents an element of a group where the operation is addition. Therefore the trait includes functions for add, sub, and double.

    • IDENTITY is the identity element of the group.
  • CyclicGroup trait: It's a group that has a generator, so it defines GENERATOR and NEG_GENERATOR.

  • WeierstrassPoint trait: It represents an affine point on a Weierstrass elliptic curve and it extends Group.

    • Coordinate type is the type of the coordinates of the point, and it implements IntMod.
    • x(), y() are used to get the affine coordinates
    • from_xy is a constructor for the point, which checks if the point is either identity or on the affine curve.
    • The point supports elliptic curve operations through intrinsic functions add_ne_nonidentity and double_nonidentity.
    • decompress: Sometimes an elliptic curve point is compressed and represented by its x coordinate and the odd/even parity of the y coordinate. decompress is used to decompress the point back to (x, y).
  • msm: for multi-scalar multiplication.

  • ecdsa: for doing ECDSA signature verification and public key recovery from signature.


For elliptic curve cryptography, the openvm-ecc-guest crate provides macros similar to those in openvm-algebra-guest:

  1. Declare: Use sw_declare! to define elliptic curves over the previously declared moduli. For example:
fn main() {
sw_declare! {
    Bls12_381G1Affine { mod_type = Bls12_381Fp, b = BLS12_381_B },
    P256Affine { mod_type = P256Coord, a = P256_A, b = P256_B },

Each declared curve must specify the mod_type (implementing IntMod) and a constant b for the Weierstrass curve equation \(y^2 = x^3 + ax + b\). a is optional and defaults to 0 for short Weierstrass curves. This creates Bls12_381G1Affine and P256Affine structs which implement the Group and WeierstrassPoint traits. The underlying memory layout of the structs uses the memory layout of the Bls12_381Fp and P256Coord structs, respectively.

  1. Init: Called once, it enumerates these curves and allows the compiler to produce optimized instructions:
fn main() {
sw_init! {
    Bls12_381G1Affine, P256Affine,
  1. Setup: Similar to the moduli and complex extensions, runtime setup instructions ensure that the correct curve parameters are being used, guaranteeing secure operation.


  • sw_declare!: Declares elliptic curve structures.
  • sw_init!: Initializes them once, linking them to the underlying moduli.
  • setup_sw_<i>()/setup_all_curves(): Secures runtime correctness.

To use elliptic curve operations on a struct defined with sw_declare!, it is expected that the struct for the curve's coordinate field was defined using moduli_declare!. In particular, the coordinate field needs to be initialized and set up as described in the algebra extension chapter.

For the basic operations provided by the WeierstrassPoint trait, the scalar field is not needed. For the ECDSA functions in the ecdsa module, the scalar field must also be declared, initialized, and set up.

Example program

See a working example here.

To use the ECC extension, add the following dependencies to Cargo.toml:

openvm-algebra-guest = { git = "https://github.com/openvm-org/openvm.git" }
openvm-ecc-guest = { git = "https://github.com/openvm-org/openvm.git", features = ["k256"] }

One can define their own ECC structs but we will use the Secp256k1 struct from openvm-ecc-guest and thus the k256 feature should be enabled.

use hex_literal::hex;
use openvm_algebra_guest::IntMod;
use openvm_ecc_guest::{
    k256::{Secp256k1Coord, Secp256k1Point},
openvm_algebra_guest::moduli_macros::moduli_init! {

openvm_ecc_guest::sw_macros::sw_init! {

We moduli_init! both the coordinate and scalar field because they were declared in the k256 module, although we will not be using the scalar field below.

With the above we can start doing elliptic curve operations like adding points:


pub fn main() {
    let x1 = Secp256k1Coord::from_u32(1);
    let y1 = Secp256k1Coord::from_le_bytes(&hex!(
    let p1 = Secp256k1Point::from_xy_nonidentity(x1, y1).unwrap();

    let x2 = Secp256k1Coord::from_u32(2);
    let y2 = Secp256k1Coord::from_le_bytes(&hex!(
    let p2 = Secp256k1Point::from_xy_nonidentity(x2, y2).unwrap();

    let _p3 = &p1 + &p2;

Config parameters

For the guest program to build successfully, all used moduli and curves must be declared in the .toml config file in the following format:

supported_modulus = ["115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663", "115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337"]

modulus = "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663"
scalar = "115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337"
a = "0"
b = "7"

The supported_modulus parameter is a list of moduli that the guest program will use. The ecc.supported_curves parameter is a list of supported curves that the guest program will use. They must be provided in decimal format in the .toml file. For multiple curves create multiple [[app_vm_config.ecc.supported_curves]] sections.