Using the SDK

While the CLI provides a convenient way to build, prove, and verify programs, you may want more fine-grained control over the process. The OpenVM Rust SDK allows you to customize various aspects of the workflow programmatically.

For more information on the basic CLI flow, see Overview of Basic Usage. Writing a guest program is the same as in the CLI.

Imports and Setup

If you have a guest program and would like to try running the host program specified in the next section, you can do so by adding the following imports and setup at the top of the file. You may need to modify the imports and/or the SomeStruct struct to match your program.

use std::{fs, sync::Arc};

use eyre::Result;
use openvm::platform::memory::MEM_SIZE;
use openvm_build::GuestOptions;
use openvm_sdk::{
    config::{AppConfig, SdkVmConfig},
    Sdk, StdIn,
use openvm_stark_sdk::config::FriParameters;
use openvm_transpiler::elf::Elf;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SomeStruct {
    pub a: u64,
    pub b: u64,

Building and Transpiling a Program

The SDK provides lower-level control over the building and transpiling process.

    // 1. Build the VmConfig with the extensions needed.
    let sdk = Sdk;

    // 2a. Build the ELF with guest options and a target filter.
    let guest_opts = GuestOptions::default();
    let target_path = "your_path_project_root";
    let elf =, target_path, &Default::default())?;
    // 2b. Load the ELF from a file
    let elf_bytes = fs::read("your_path_to_elf")?;
    let elf = Elf::decode(&elf_bytes, MEM_SIZE as u32)?;

    // 3. Transpile the ELF into a VmExe
    let exe = sdk.transpile(elf, vm_config.transpiler())?;

Using SdkVmConfig

The SdkVmConfig struct allows you to specify the extensions and system configuration your VM will use. To customize your own configuration, you can use the SdkVmConfig::builder() method and set the extensions and system configuration you want.

    let vm_config = SdkVmConfig::builder()

Running a Program

To run your program and see the public value output, you can do the following:

    // 4. Format your input into StdIn
    let my_input = SomeStruct { a: 1, b: 2 }; // anything that can be serialized
    let mut stdin = StdIn::default();

    // 5. Run the program
    let output = sdk.execute(exe.clone(), vm_config.clone(), stdin.clone())?;
    println!("public values output: {:?}", output);

Using StdIn

The StdIn struct allows you to format any serializable type into a VM-readable format by passing in a reference to your struct into StdIn::write as above. You also have the option to pass in a &[u8] into StdIn::write_bytes, or a &[F] into StdIn::write_field where F is the openvm_stark_sdk::p3_baby_bear::BabyBear field type.

Generating CLI Bytes To get the VM byte representation of a serializable struct data (i.e. for use in the CLI), you can print out the result of openvm::serde::to_vec(data).unwrap() in a Rust host program.

Generating and Verifying Proofs

There are two types of proofs that you can generate, with the sections below continuing from this point.

  • App Proof: Generates STARK proof(s) of the guest program
  • EVM Proof: Generates a halo2 proof that can be posted on-chain

App Proof

Generating App Proofs

After building and transpiling a program, you can then generate a proof. To do so, you need to commit your VmExe, generate an AppProvingKey, format your input into StdIn, and then generate a proof.

    // 6. Set app configuration
    let app_log_blowup = 2;
    let app_fri_params = FriParameters::standard_with_100_bits_conjectured_security(app_log_blowup);
    let app_config = AppConfig::new(app_fri_params, vm_config);

    // 7. Commit the exe
    let app_committed_exe = sdk.commit_app_exe(app_fri_params, exe)?;

    // 8. Generate an AppProvingKey
    let app_pk = Arc::new(sdk.app_keygen(app_config)?);

    // 9a. Generate a proof
    let proof = sdk.generate_app_proof(app_pk.clone(), app_committed_exe.clone(), stdin.clone())?;
    // 9b. Generate a proof with an AppProver with custom fields
    let app_prover = AppProver::new(app_pk.app_vm_pk.clone(), app_committed_exe.clone())
    let proof = app_prover.generate_app_proof(stdin.clone());

For large guest programs, the program will be proved in multiple continuation segments and the returned proof: ContinuationVmProof object consists of multiple STARK proofs, one for each segment.

Verifying App Proofs

After generating a proof, you can verify it. To do so, you need your verifying key (which you can get from your AppProvingKey) and the output of your generate_app_proof call.

    // 10. Verify your program
    let app_vk = app_pk.get_app_vk();
    sdk.verify_app_proof(&app_vk, &proof)?;

EVM Proof


To generate an EVM proof, you'll first need to ensure that you have followed the CLI installation steps. get the appropriate KZG params by running the following command.

cargo openvm setup


cargo openvm setup requires very large amounts of computation and memory (~200 GB).

Also note that there are additional dependencies for the EVM Proof flow. Click here to view.
use std::{fs, sync::Arc};

use eyre::Result;
use openvm::platform::memory::MEM_SIZE;
use openvm_build::GuestOptions;
use openvm_sdk::{
    config::{AppConfig, SdkVmConfig},
    Sdk, StdIn,
use openvm_stark_sdk::config::FriParameters;
use openvm_transpiler::elf::Elf;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SomeStruct {
    pub a: u64,
    pub b: u64,


Now, you'll need to generate the app proving key for the next step.

    // 5. Set app configuration
    let app_log_blowup = 2;
    let app_fri_params = FriParameters::standard_with_100_bits_conjectured_security(app_log_blowup);
    let app_config = AppConfig::new(app_fri_params, vm_config);

    // 6. Commit the exe
    let app_committed_exe = sdk.commit_app_exe(app_fri_params, exe)?;

    // 7. Generate an AppProvingKey
    let app_pk = Arc::new(sdk.app_keygen(app_config)?);


If you have run cargo openvm setup and don't need a specialized aggregation configuration, consider deserializing the proving key from the file ~/.openvm/ instead of generating it, to save computation.

EVM Proof Generation and Verification

You can now run the aggregation keygen, proof, and verification functions for the EVM proof.

Note: you do not need to generate the app proof with the generate_app_proof function, as the EVM proof function will handle this automatically.

    // 8. Generate the aggregation proving key
    const DEFAULT_PARAMS_DIR: &str = concat!(env!("HOME"), "/.openvm/params/");
    let halo2_params_reader = CacheHalo2ParamsReader::new(DEFAULT_PARAMS_DIR);
    let agg_config = AggConfig::default();
    let agg_pk = sdk.agg_keygen(

    // 9. Generate the SNARK verifier smart contract
    let verifier = sdk.generate_snark_verifier_contract(&halo2_params_reader, &agg_pk)?;

    // 10. Generate an EVM proof
    let proof = sdk.generate_evm_proof(

    // 11. Verify the EVM proof
    sdk.verify_evm_proof(&verifier, &proof)?;

⚠️ WARNING The aggregation proving key agg_pk above is large. Avoid cloning it if possible.

Note that DEFAULT_PARAMS_DIR is the directory where Halo2 parameters are stored by the cargo openvm setup CLI command. For more information on the setup process, see the EVM Level section of the verify doc.